Esme’s Blog
‘Know-How JW’
I have had a lovely winter season working, mainly on the Duck at our flight pond, we have had some
good days on pigeon and a bit of game from time to time, I am in my element during this time.
Now we are into summer everything looks lovely here but not a lot of work to do.
I spend most days after the morning walk lying around on the sofa in the kitchen or the conservatory,
depending on where the sun is don’t you know.
My daughter Gracie is a fast learner and she is becoming a useful cushion during my working day.
She is not allowed on the kitchen sofa so I have to manage with my half brother Vinnie who is less lively
but just as comfortable. He also comes to bed with me when we retire for the night as we now sleep
in new beds in the same room as the two bosses.
I shall keep you posted on developments here so please come back....ESME
High fellow bloggers Esme is back. I need to start with the sad news first.
After losing my mum (Angie) we now have lost my best friend
and husband (Zeb) Sh.Ch.Ryanstock Hallmark JW ShCM
This has knocked us all for six but it was several months ago
and we are coming to terms with it now.